Friday, July 24, 2009

Military Salute

This video was done at the request of one of our own who said the vets of the street need a voice so Hotdogs and Hope will have something to take to Churches and groups to explain the problems don't go way when you ignore them they just take a different form. I tried to understand what he was taking about. We hear the stories of guys coming back and not fitting into the mainstream. I did something that I could only image, because I can't count myself among these hero's and HERO's they are by all accounts. I started asking questions and really listening to my boss who was in the Big Red One. He still has problems sleeping and talking about that time in his life. To the guys I meet on the street who are carrying mental/physical scares that don't seem to fade they just get ignored.I don't understand why we can make fighting machines out humans but don't want to deal with the results and consequences of those that have wounds. I read the homeless vets stats. the results were totally shameful and disgraceful. These extend back to the civil war. If I had to make a guess since wars began, this has always been an issue. I know that I may come across a little strong , but those are the facts. I hope I did the men and women justice in my feeble attempt to tell the story with pictures and stats. Thanks Ron for the push.

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