Thursday, February 19, 2009

Other itinerant or homeless people or terms for this condition

Why is it that we are quick to label someone and slow to help and/or see past there present challenges and ask how can I help? I am just as guilty as anyone for using the names below
expect brother/sister. People make bad choices does that mean that they should be exterminated, of course not, we are certainly forgiven of the rich/famous mistakes and chuckle, shrug shoulders and move on. We at Hotdogs and Hope try to following what the
scriptures. Watch the Video

Bums ,Derelict ,Freight train hoppers ,Hoboes ,Internally displaced persons Itinerants
Mendicants Rough sleepers Schnorrer Street children Tramps Vagabond Vagrancy

I am sure we can all think of other names used, but remember,a few wrong choices couple of missed checks, mixed with a little pride.Everyone needs a chance to be better than they are today. Please pray for the souls that are having to deal with this Spiritual and Physical always dangerous environment of loneliness ,separation and host things that can't we can't possible know.Pray for that God picks out for you someone to share your heart with lead off the street on Saturday.

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